This parade takes place on the 5th of January and usually consists of floats for each of the Kings, in addition to floats for various organizations from the community.

La Cabalgata de Reyes Magos (The Three Magic Kings’ Parade) In addition to the gifts, there are two main events that accompany the day of the Three Magic Kings: At the same time, those kids who were not good during the year may receive carbón, or coal, instead of presents. However, perhaps with the influence of Santa Claus, gift size has grown and using shoes to receive gifts is not so common anymore. Traditionally these gifts were small enough to fit into shoes and children left their shoes out on the 5th with the hope that they would be filled the next day. Like for Santa, it is common for kids to leave out drinks or food for the Kings on the eve of Three Kings Day, thanking them for the gifts. Therefore, it seems logical that the the representation of these figures should bring gifts to Spanish children. This holiday, which can be translated to The Day of the Magic Kings or Three Kings Day, greatly lengthens the Spanish Christmas season.īiblically speaking (and keeping in mind that Spain is still a fairly Catholic country, at least in their traditions), these kings-also translated to the three wisemen-are those which bring the baby Jesus gifts after his birth. And, even though there is a tradition of receiving small gifts on the 24th of December in Catalonia (as well as other regions as more and more children celebrate an ‘Americanized’ holiday), the main present day is on the 6th of January- El día de los Reyes Magos. If you’re starting to feel blue about the Christmas season coming to an end, you’ll be happy to know that in Spain the festivities don’t end here! Did you know that in Spain they don’t celebrate Christmas with Santa Claus bringing presents? In fact, most Christmas traditions in Spain have to do with family and food.